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certificate renewal

which process you need to follow depends on which certificate authority (ca) type you chose at setup, if you are unsure login to your device with the admin account credentials and go to the admin home page, the ca type will be displayed under system. if you can no longer login to your device (due to an expired ca/cert) you can inspect your certificate and look at the chain to see the ca type. once you know your type you might be able to choose between online and offline (private only has an offline process).

*offline refers to using the online manual features to download the renewed certificates and transferring them to the device manually – keeping the device disconnected from the Internet.

*online refers to using the on-connector software to allow the device to directly connect to and interact with the Internet – massively reducing the manual steps.

device/certificate_renewal.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/04 20:12 by on